Admission Policies
No person shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity of the school because of race, colour, sex or national origin. However, only persons who have a testimony of Biblical salvation and have a sincere desire to serve Christ are eligible for admission.
When to Apply
A prospective student may apply any time. There is no application deadline date, but we encourage you to apply early to reserve your place and discount.
Once an application is received, it will be processed as soon as possible. No reservation is final until the prospective student completes all forms and receives an official letter of acceptance.
Application Procedure
Read this prospectus to familiarise yourself with Clarence Valley Baptist Bible College.
Get counsel from your pastor regarding your desire to attend (Hebrews 13:17).
Completely fill out the Application Form.
Provide us with a written statement of your salvation testimony.
If not a member of Clarence Valley Baptist Church, your pastor must complete the Pastor’s Recommendation provided with the Application Form.
Send your application to
Clarence Valley Baptist Bible College
P.O. Box 817 Grafton, NSW 2460